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What is finviz & how does it work?

What is Finviz? Finviz is a stock screener that helps you find potential stocks by fundamental and technical data. Some tools require a paid subscription, but the free version can be sufficient for casual investors. Finviz doesn’t offer a mobile app, which makes researching stocks from a cell phone difficult.

What is finviz elite?

With Finviz Elite, you get access to real-time data for US markets. That is visible in the homepage, the maps, charts, stock quote and the stock screener. Besides, there is also access to extended hours sessions from 8:00AM, for those trading during extended hours. In Finviz’s free tier, the charts are not interactive.

Does finviz cover foreign companies?

Finviz only covers US markets, so if you’re looking for European or Asian data, you’re out of luck. They do cover foreign companies, just as long as they trade in US markets. This might be ok for you, if you’re focused on US stocks, but traders looking for exposure to other markets will have to look for alternatives.

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